
Frequently asked questions

General FAQ

  • The best mode of contact is via email or phone. Please email the Registration team at registrar@bsmny.org with any questions or call us at (212) 663-6021. Registration staff are available for the Fall/Spring Semesters 7 days a week:

Registration FAQ

  • The Registration Fee at the Bloomingdale School of Music is a standard fee added to the tuition each semester. It helps cover the administrative costs associated with processing enrollments, maintaining student records, scheduling lessons, and supporting the overall operation of the school. This fee allows us to ensure a smooth and efficient registration process for both new and returning students and helps us continue providing high-quality music education.

    The fee is critical to funding essential services such as:
    1. Student Support Services: Ensuring personalized scheduling and assistance with enrollment.
    2. Technology Infrastructure: Managing our online systems for registration, billing, and communications.
    3. Program Development: This will allow us to update and improve the course offerings and resources available to all students.
    The Registration Fee is a one-time charge per semester and applies to all students, regardless of the number of classes or lessons taken. It helps keep the school’s administrative functions running smoothly while allowing us to focus more of our resources on the teaching and learning experience.
  • Yes. Bloomingdale offers rolling admissions for private lessons, which allows students to register at any time during the year.
  • Group classes and ensembles will have a registration cut off to allow for consistent group progression
  • Yes.  Enrollment is based on three main semesters: Fall (17 weeks long), Spring (17 weeks long), and Summer (6-8 weeks long). Consistent weekly lessons and classes are important for the development and progress of musical learning. When you register, you are committing to the current semester. 
  • Yes, we offer our adult students a flexible lesson package option. A Season Ticket allows you to purchase a package of 60-minute lessons (minimum of 6) per semester arranged around your schedule. Once registered, simply schedule your lessons directly with your instructor and complete your lessons before the end of the semester. 
  • We also offer Audition Prep Ticket, designed for students who are preparing for auditions. This offering is a package of (5) 60-minute lessons for students ages 12 to 18 years old.
  • Find more information about Season Ticket here.
  • Find more information about Audition Prep Ticket here.
  • No. There is an additional cost for music books and/or other study materials. Most teachers will recommend a study series (Suzuki, Alfred, Faber, etc) that can be purchased online or at a local music or book store. Select books and materials such as manuscript books and primer level books for beginner group classes may be purchased through the front office.
  • Students will not learn how to play an instrument in an Early Childhood class, rather, early childhood classes at Bloomingdale prepare students for group and private instrument study. In these classes students learn musical concepts such as tempo, dynamics, rhythm, pitch, and use specially designed children’s percussion instruments. All the skills gained in Bloomingdale’s early childhood classes will help young children have a successful and smooth transition into instrumental study. 
  • Parents should register their children for the class that is age-appropriate at the beginning of the semester. If a baby who is 15 months in September outgrows Baby’s and Toddler’s First Music Class, for example, faculty members will recommend that the student switch into Music and Movement. However, since the age ranges of all Bloomingdale’s early childhood classes are relatively small, children mature and develop together over the course of the semester and are generally well matched.
  • The age to begin private study differs from child to child and instrument to instrument. The youngest age we recommend private lessons to is 4 years old on select instruments. However students this young are recommended to take a trial lesson first. Contact registration if you have questions about starting your child in private lessons.


  • While there is no definite answer to this question, some instruments do have certain physical requirements. Piano, recorder, string instruments, and voice are good choices for younger children, as young as 4 years old depending upon the instrument and child’s maturity. Contact registration if you have questions about starting your child in private lessons.
  • In most cases, students need to have the instrument that they are studying in order to practice between lessons. Bloomingdale studios, all with pianos, are available free-of-charge for current students of the school, subject to availability.
  • Private lesson students must supply their own instruments. For new students, families are encouraged to discuss the student’s needs with the teacher before purchasing or renting an instrument. A list of rental recommendations is available from the Registration office upon request.
  • Bloomingdale has a limited supply of rental instruments with availability on a first-come, first-served basis for enrolled students. Students are responsible for the maintenance of instruments (e.g., string and reed replacement, cleaning) and any repair costs due to damage. Rental fees are charged per semester and vary depending on the type of instrument being rented. In addition, a refundable security deposit is also charged and is returned to the family once the instrument is returned in good condition. For questions about the fees for specific instruments, please reach out to the rental manager, Veronica, at vcarpenter@bsmny.org.
  • The piano faculty strongly recommends that every BSM piano student have regular access to a standard and well-maintained acoustic piano. Important reasons for this include the need for students to have a closer physical connection to their sound production, as well as the fact that most lessons, rehearsals, and performances inside and outside Bloomingdale will take place on acoustic pianos. If access to an acoustic piano is not possible, we recommend one or a combination of the following:
    • Students may discuss with their faculty member if a digital keyboard may serve as an alternative. Piano faculty will have specifications and best practices to consider before purchasing or renting a keyboard.
    • Occasionally, generous members of the Bloomingdale community express interest in donating a Piano to students currently studying at BSM. Interested students should reach out to Brandon Vazquez at bvazquez@bsmny.org to inquire about any recent Piano donations.
    • Practice rooms at Bloomingdale are available for current students, and all are equipped with acoustic Pianos which are tuned on a regular basis. To sign out a practice room, please visit the Registration office located in the building’s lower level or email registrar@bsmny.org.
  • Yes, Bloomingdale offers trial lessons for private instruction. Any student is welcome to take a trial lesson if they are unsure of committing to a particular instrument, or would like to consider different teachers before committing to a full semester of lessons. Students may only take one trial lesson per teacher. The cost for a 30-minute trial lesson is $30, and payment must be made in advance.
  • To set a trial lesson up, please speak with someone at the registration office (212) 663-6021 or email registrar@bsmny.org. The registration office can coordinate a teacher, time, and day. 
  • In many cases, an alternate class or lesson can be arranged and will improve a child’s learning experience. In the unlikely event you need to withdraw from classes, please check the registration guidelines.
  • Auditions are never required for private lesson study at Bloomingdale School of Music. However, auditions or playing samples may be required for select music programs and ensembles. We believe that all people have musical ability and our doors are open to all who wish to study here.


  • We are deeply committed to the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. To that end, we have developed certain policies in order to safely gather in person and a brief overview is listed below. More information on COVID safety and a complete list of COVID-19 Safety Guidelines and Procedures can be accessed here
    • In compliance with developing guidelines issued by federal, state, and our local government, Bloomingdale will be recommending that all vaccine-eligible staff, faculty, students, and clients over the age of 5 be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We will continue to monitor guidance around this.
    • All faculty, staff, students, families, and all other building visitors should continue to self-screen and stay home if they are exposed to a positive case, experiencing symptoms, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19.
    • Masks are optional for all individuals. Both faculty and stduents may reserve the right to require mask wearing during a lesson or group class.
  • No. In compliance with developing guidelines issued by federal, state, and our local government, Bloomingdale will be recommending that all vaccine-eligible staff, faculty, students, and clients over the age of 5 be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, however, there is no requirement.
  • We have worked closely with construction and building consultants to upgrade our HVAC systems and ensure the operation of our heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems align with current industry standards as specified by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). In addition to upgrading and adding ventilation to both the east and west side of the bottom floor, as of September 2023 we will have also built a new mechanical heating/cooling system through the entire building that will integrate required fresh air exchange as per code. 
  • A new balcony and staircase from the second floor waiting room to our newly renovated backyard has been installed, giving families the option of an outdoor waiting space.
  • Yes. Online and hybrid options are available for faculty and students who may wish to learn remotely or when either party is sick but well enough to still have a lesson. need be in the case of a COVID infection or exposure.
  • While private lessons will occur on the preferred online platform agreed upon by the instructor and student, we strongly recommend that students and faculty coordinate and test the platform that you and your faculty member decide upon in order to eliminate/reduce time spent dealing with technological issues during your lesson time.
  • The majority of group classes have transitioned to meeting in person. That being said, there are still select group classes and ensembles that continue meeting on a virtual platform. As you are registering, review the web page to see if your class is in person or online. If your class is online, we strongly recommend that students download Zoom ahead of time to eliminate/reduce time spent dealing with technological issues during your class time.
  • Most events require an RSVP for reservation. This is communicated via email and on social media. 
  • For in-person events at Bloomingdale, vaccines are encouraged but not required and masks are optional.
  • Most events are live-streamed. Check our events page for more information.



Join us for Instrument Discovery Day – January 26th, 11 AM – 1 PM. Explore the violin, guitar, trumpet, and more with the guidance of Bloomingdale’s expert faculty. Explore the violin, guitar, trumpet, and more with Bloomingdale’s expert faculty.
Free & fun for all ages!