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UpBeat Blog | The Development Section

Greetings everyone and welcome to my new blog, UpBeat!  I will be posting a blog twice a month that will include musical observations, practice tips, and information about upcoming concerts on the BSM faculty concert series.

I decided to call this first blog The Development Section because, in many ways, as 2021 begins we are entering a period of incredible development, growth, and inspiration.  In a musical sonata, the development section is the middle part of the first movement and is where the composer develops the opening themes and explores different keys and ways of varying the material.  

We have all adjusted these past several months to a new way of life.  I am amazed at how quickly the BSM community transformed into a virtual community with lessons, classes, and concerts going full steam ahead in the most exciting way!  To use a musical term, that was our exposition.  

Now that we have all that experience from 2020, this new year will be an opportunity to go deeper and to develop our unique talents.  We know we can do this and that there is light at the end of this tunnel.  Let’s use this time to explore and perhaps shake things up a bit.  Think of where you would like to be in six months.  I plan on learning some new repertoire for upcoming concerts and recordings, continuing to study music by woman composers and African American composers in preparations for my spring lecture classes, and I might even compose a piano prelude. Let’s all enjoy the development section!


PRACTICE TIP:  Organize your time

In order to have productive practice sessions, it helps to organize your time.  Try writing down your goals for the day.  Perhaps pick a section that needs attention.  I keep a practice log for myself which helps me to think clearly and to be encouraged and energized in my daily practice.  I write down a brief schedule for the day and when I am finished practicing, I summarize what I have accomplished.  Try it and let me know if it helps.  



We will be releasing our spring concert schedule soon!  We are going to have a great season of classical, jazz, and world music so stay tuned.  

Happy practicing and listening,
