Music Programs
Music Programs

Bloomingdale Training Program: Piano

Bloomingdale Training Program (BTP) aims to strengthen student’s musical abilities and provide them with the required tools they would need to push them to the next level of achievement.

Program Highlights

Bloomingdale Training Program (BTP) is a comprehensive music education program designed for students ages 8 to 17 who are interested in making the most of their music education by enhancing their private lesson studies with chamber music, theory, and other special events.

Well-rounded experience

Complement your private lesson studies with ensemble opportunities and music theory classes

Master Classes and Playing Classes

Fostering a community of learning, feedback, and performance experience.


Program Coordinator to mentor and communicate with all students participating in the program, in addition to BSM faculty members.

Each Semester Includes the Following

  • 45-minute or 60-minute weekly private lessons
  • 45-minute weekly music theory class
  • Weekly chamber or ensemble experience
  • Student commitment to practicing regularly throughout the week
  • Preparation of a minimum of two contrasting solo pieces
  • Performance in BTP Recitals featuring solo and ensemble performances
  • Perform in a jury, with evaluation and feedback on solos, scales, and sight-reading

Special Events

  • 2-3 times/year – attend Master Classes, playing classes, or other special events – during which students will be expected to perform and receive feedback from a guest artist, a faculty member, and/or their peers
  • Students are also strongly encouraged to participate in the school’s annual events – such as Student Composers Program, Instrument Festivals, Performathon, Performance Competition, and other special events.

“Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat on proident, pisifwcing elit, sed do inci tut labore culpa qui officia.”

Jane Doesier


Our students continue to amaze us. See what our students are doing and how they are developing into skilled musicians.

What you need to know

After registering online, the program coordinator will be in touch to schedule an audition and all students will be placed in a music theory class based on their age, level of performance and completion of a music theory placement form if applicable.


  • 1-2 years of private study on primary instrument 
  • Current BSM students: Recommendation of private teacher that student is ready for a comprehensive music program and the work that it will take to prepare for biannual juries and extra performances. 
  • New students to BSM: Conversation and playing assessment with BTP Instrument Coordinator

application deadline

Applications will be accepted throughout the school year.

Audition date

Auditions are scheduled individually with Program Coordinator.

Semester Tuition

Register Online

Questions and Information

Monica Verona 
Director of Piano Studies
BTP: Piano Program Coordinator

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